Géricault Life Magazine 2023

1793 Bonnet, pique, et lauriers du citoyen Lefebvre (detail) Musée Carnavalet. .

This is the final issue of Géricault Life Magazine for 2022.  The year has been fruitful and rewarding. Many articles of 2019, 2020, and 2022 conclude with the promise to ‘discuss’ various important questions ‘in greater detail’ elsewhere. These are promises I will keep.

For now, I will be working on other projects and on research.

Géricault Life Magazine will remain my first and most important endeavor, and one I have no plan or desire to abandon. I may publish occasional articles in 2023, but have no plans to do so until other projects have been completed.

In the meantime – read accounts here by Dibdin, Berry, Swinburne, Carr, Turner, Money, and Hughes to learn more Rouen and Paris during Gericault’s lifetime. Few readers have read all the articles, documents, and contemporary accounts presented here and each has some bearing on Gericault and his art.

Enjoy the magazine as is – content yourself with content undiscovered, re-read articles of particular interest to plunge deeper in Théodore Géricault’s world. Read, visit museums and websites, to experience more of the art of Géricault’s time.

Adieu without a word of thanks would be churlish, indeed. Alas, a word does not suffice, perhaps not even a page or two could. So, many thanks to each of you for the support you provided and continue to provide.

Check back, poke around often – write if you like – See you soon.

This is the final issue of Géricault Life Magazine for 2022.  The year has been fruitful and rewarding. Many articles of 2019, 2020, and 2022 conclude with the promise to ‘discuss’ various important questions ‘in greater detail’ elsewhere. These are promises I will keep.

For now, I will be working on other projects and on research.

Géricault Life Magazine will remain my first and most important endeavor, and one I have no plan or desire to abandon. I may publish occasional articles in 2023, but have no plans to do so until other projects have been completed.

In the meantime – read accounts here by Dibdin, Berry, Swinburne, Carr, Turner, Money, and Hughes to learn more Rouen and Paris during Gericault’s lifetime. Few readers have read all the articles, documents, and contemporary accounts presented here and each has some bearing on Gericault and his art.

Enjoy the magazine as is – content yourself with content undiscovered, re-read articles of particular interest to plunge deeper in Théodore Géricault’s world. Read, visit museums and websites, to experience more of the art of Géricault’s time.

Adieu without a word of thanks would be churlish, indeed. Alas, a word does not suffice, perhaps not even a page or two could. So, many thanks to each of you for the support you provided and continue to provide.

Check back, poke around often – write if you like – See you soon.

All rights reserved © Paul Harper 2019-2025

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December 2022